Members Advice
Telephone advisory services providing immediate advice on employee relations, OHS and service station issues.
Key Services
Timely advice
The Service Station Association’s Advice Line is a telephone advisory service, which provides timely and accurate advice and information on the following areas:
- wage rates
- award information and interpretation of Federal and State awards
- leave provisions
- unfair dismissal
- contract and employment issues
- recrutiment, termination and redundancy
- industrial disputes
- enterprise bargaining and Australian Workplace Agreements (AWA)
- workplace reform
- equal employment opportunity
- anti-discrimination legislation
- recruitment and termination
- human resource policies and procedures
- part time and casual employment
- ·overtime
- superannuation legislation
- ·occupational health and safety
- franchise agreements
- assistance with disputes with oil companies
- environmental assistance
The service is available between 9.00am and 5.00pm, Monday to Friday on 02 9016-9000.
The Member Advice Line currently handles over 1,500 calls each year.
For further information about the Service Station Association’s Member Advice Line contact the
MTA NSW Division Manager