Transport Administration Amendment (RMS Dissolution) Bill 2019

Legislation was recently passed in the NSW Parliament to enable the full integration of Transport for NSW (TfNSW) and Roads & Maritime Services (RMS) into one organisation.

Please find an extract from the letter from RMS:

While TfNSW and RMS have already been working together as one team for many months, this significant milestone lets them take the next steps in strengthening their ability to deliver integrated transport solutions across NSW and provide better customer and community outcomes.

While the name RMS will no longer be used in the future, it’s important to remember that the work and history of RMS will become the collective work and history of TfNSW’s new integrated organisation, and they will deliver better together.

Click Here to View Full Letter from RMS - Transport Administration Amendment (RMS Dissolution) Bill 2019

If you have any questions relating to this announcement please call Gary O’Sullivan, MTA NSW Divisional Manager via E: [email protected] or M: 0423 582 183

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