Member Information Night - Griffith- Update

A Member Information Night was held in Griffith on the 20th June at the Griffith Ex-Services Club. The night
was attended by over 25 people from 11 Member businesses. All the information provided was well received and a few questions from the floor were answered during the presentation.

Some of the questions asked were in relation to the Form 2 and the Uncollected Goods Act, addressing the recurring issue of businesses having cars left in their workshops or yards. This not only happens to Mechanical workshops but also Dealerships.

Other questions raised were in relation to:

  • Tradesperson Certificates/Licencing
  • WHS
  • Updated forms and registers
  • Green Stamp Accreditation
  • Signage
  • AutoPay

Feedback received from attendees indicated the event very informative and overall 90% rated the event as very good – excellent. Appreciation was given for the helpfulness of MTA NSW staff on the night and the catering provided.

The Members were pleased to see our Business Partner, MTAA Super in attendance and presenting. Special  Recognition was given to our long standing Members who were present on the night: Owen Toyota, Armstrong Toyota, Codemo Machinery, J & P Motorcycles and V & L Machinery whom combined have over 250 years of Membership. Thank you for your continued support.

Overall the night went off well with most attendees staying back well after the session had ended to talk to MTA Managers and our Business Partner, MTAA Super. Thank you to everyone who took part.

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