Dealing with Abandoned or Uncollected Vehicles? Here's What to Do

Abandoned and uncollected motor vehicles often become difficult to move on. To resolve this problem, here's a summary of the steps you'll need to take. For a more detailed look, check out our detailed MTA NSW Guide, which covers the Uncollected Goods Act.

Here's the basic process:
First, check the PPSR: Look for any encumbrances (if someone else has a claim on the vehicle). You can do this at or through Service NSW.
Send a final letter of demand: This letter should clearly state your intention to dispose of the vehicle and give a specific date for collection. You can use the letter template in our guide to make this easier.
3. Get an independent market valuation: Before proceeding, you must obtain an independent market valuation for the motor vehicle. This can be done in a number of ways, including through an independent licensed used car/wholesale dealer, vehicle valuer or auction house.
This step depends on the vehicle's value:

- Low value (up to $1,000): Follow the procedures in the guide for low-value items.
Medium value ($1,001 - $20,000): Follow the procedures in the guide for medium-value items.
High value (over $20,000): Follow the procedures in the guide for high-value items.

For high-value vehicles, you have another option: You can take the matter to NCAT (NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal) under the Uncollected Goods provisions. They can make orders to help deal with the situation.


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